L'Anello di Olcio
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..................... ginee


The Ginee (January) is a rag doll that represents the winter. Every January 31, at the end of the coldest winter period the Ginee is dragged through the streets of the town, accompanied by a procession to the sound of cowbells, pots, scrap dragged on the ground (click below to hear sound)

and brought here in the meadow in front, where it is thrown into the bonfire among the general applause.
In the other villages of Mandello, and in many towns in the area the same rite takes place, with variants (eg burning an old woman doll, and in the procession there are masked characters).
 Comune di Mandello del Lario Realizzazione:  ASD Olciosportiva
Progetto: Fabio Focarile